Ashita, Mama ga Inai First half Review

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After watching the first few episodes I can tell that I’ll enjoy this no matter what. It has already made me cry numerous times. how can you not cry, it’s about abandoned children who never or only tasted limited amount of love from their parents. It’s quite interesting to portray these kids’ characters as happy, hopeful, and playful. It shows different ways that the kids’ cope with their parents’ betrayal. Almost all of them are focused on getting new parents and changing their lives, this might be because of the main guardian in the house. He treats them like dogs and want them to get out of there as soon as possible by finding new parents. He teaches them tricks to use to win the new parents’ favor. Throughout the episodes we see lights of his kindness here and there. He’s a mystery for the kids and for the audience. My favorite character so far is Post, she’s tomboyish but motherly, she’s unpredictable but mature, she’s detached but caring. It was a little too much to make her the problem solver because it doesn’t seem realistic for a 9 year old to know how all the adults act in this world. I love the bond and friendship of the OT4 group with little Pachi.

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