Thrilling Games and Suspense: Borderland Japanese Drama Review

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It’s a Japanese drama where the city shuts down one day and people who were in that city disappear. The people in the city now has to play games to stay alive. The characters in the drama all represent characters in Alice in Wonderland. Personally, I loved the games in the drama, they were all unique and smart. You can win by thinking calmly and using common sense but due to the panic and vague instructions, it becomes difficult. It shows how scary humans can become and the visuals of the drama was well done. The production and the story was both done with very much care to the details. The characters are all who you can feel for, their backstories made the viewers understand where they are coming from. The friendships between the 3 friends were so good in the beginning so when the 2 friends died, it was heartbreaking. The female characters in the drama were all strong in their own right, they weren’t any damsels in distress characters. There was a plot twist to every game and episode. The story of Hatter and his military friend was a good addition to the story to show how dangerous these games can be to one’s minds. The season 2 kept up the momentum and the games were even more grand and violent. It was clear that they wanted to up the notch with every episode so it was interesting where they put the tea party episode towards the end. It was very calm and all about the mind games which can be a little confusing but became clear with what purpose they did this for. I thought this was the perfect ending and reason to why this all happened. They were all fighting between life and death after being injured when the city blasted, that made a lot of sense especially because it’s in the name “Borderland”. I want to acknowledgeall of the actors in the show especially Kento Yamazaki, he did amazing and did not hold back to showing the raw emotions of that character. It was definitely a suspenseful drama that I enjoyed and would recommend to others.

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