Innocence and Emotions: The Heartfelt Battle for Survival in a 2022 Korean High School Zombie Drama

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It’s a 2022Korean drama about a zombie apocalypse happening at a high school and the students are all trying to find a way to survive. The idea was brilliant, a zombie outbreak happening at a school. It puts the students to test. They aren’t yet adults so they can’t think rationally and the innocence in them will push them to put their feelings before thinking through things instead. It’s also testing the friendship between them. Protecting family can be seen as a responsibility and something that’s expected of you but protecting friends could be vague due to the relationship between friends can’t cut clear. Students in general will think more with their heart than their brains. Another thing I noticed for the zombies in this drama was that they took more time to change which allowed the viewers to see the process and all of their emotions they go through. The students has some creative ways to get away from the zombies too, they are still underage kids so it was clear that the production crew can’t give those characters weapons so they really got creative and used things found around in a school to fight off the zombies. The two main ships have earned my heart; Cheongsan and Onjo and also Namra and Suhyeok. They were both cute especially when I saw them in variety shows and behind the scenes interview. The ending wasn’t my favorite because it’s not clear what will happen but there’s a hope for season 2. Cheongsan is said to have “died” in the end, but there’s some hints about him a “hambie” so I hope it’s true and he’ll be back for season 2. Lot of the characters died from becoming zombies which is fitting for the show title but still made me sad. Overall, I love this show and am waiting for season 2.

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